Tuesday, April 8, 2008

!New News! -----instruments-----

Ever heard of a Cello? Yeah - that cool upright bass-lookin' thing that those Operatic-esque guys and gals usually play. Well, i'm here to introduce to you instruments that will help you get those golden notes and stellar numero uno songs out of your head and onto the recording device & if you play cello, upright bass or you're an avid bassist or guitarist, you might wanna look into getting your hands (and fingers) on one of these!

Introducing NS Design's Bass Cello Crossover. Its beyond inspirational and could be what you've been looking for. The design work is formulated to have this showcase of an instrument drawn in to you like a violin but realxed like a "nu-metal" guitarist's electric with the strap let down way low. Its made to be played more at an angle and looks to be a personal touch on a not so overdone concept. If i had to rate this, i'd give it a 9.4. The action looks great and it seems to be the end result of a LOT of hard work thats paid off. Congrats guys; you should have a few dozen orders by the end of this week from the hundreds of readers who check out Committed Music.


http://cgi.ebay.com/NS-DESIGN-Bass-Cello-Unique-Crossover-ELECTRIC UPRIGHT_W0QQitemZ370007102194QQihZ024QQcategoryZ16222QQrdZ